Kali Yuga Yoga
Yoga Therapy For Citizens of the Kali YugaWelcome.htmlWelcome.htmlshapeimage_1_link_0shapeimage_1_link_1
Yoga 101
6 week course
Sundays 2-3:30PM
March 10- April 21*
*no class 3/31 for Easter Holiday

Yoga for the Absolute Beginner 

If you have always thought about practicing yoga, but didn't know where to begin, this class is for you!!! This 6-week course is designed to teach the basics of yoga - one step at a time - in a fun, relaxed and friendly atmosphere. From sun salutations to shoulder stand, students will learn a collection of yoga's "greatest hits" including the sanskrit names for each pose. At the end of this 6-week series, each new yogi will feel confident attending any yoga class! 

About Your Instructor

Karen Hogg has been introducing folks to yoga for close to a decade. Specializing in Integral Yoga, an extremely gentle and healing form of yoga, Karen witnesses first hand the therapeutic benefits of a safe practice. In this series she hopes to help you to discover some of the most popular poses, including modifications and variations of each, empowering you with the necessary tools to embark on your yoga journey.

Read more about Karen Hogg...

Learning The Basics
Each week, students will go through a full yoga class highlighting various elements in a typical practice. 

Week One:
In this first class we will introduce the various ways you can comfortably sit on the floor including some basic breathing exercises (Pranayama), as well as how to link movement with our breath. In addition, by the end of the practice you will gain a greater understanding of the sun salutation (Surya Namaskar) and explore many of the different variations.

Week Two:
The second practice will focus primarily on standing postures such as Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I), Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II), and Triangle (Trikonasana). We will also experiment with a few balancing poses like Tree (Vrksasana) and King Dancer pose(Dandayamana Dhanurasana).

Week Three:
The focus of week three is forward bends. We will learn how to safely come into forward bends like Cobblers Pose (Badha Konasana) and Head-to-Knee Pose (Janushirsasana). We will also incorporate variations for those who might experience discomfort due to lower back pain or tight hamstrings.

Week Four:
On the flip side, week four's focus is backward bends. Poses we will discuss include Bow Pose (Dhanurasana), Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana), and Locust Pose (Salabhasana).

Week Five:
In week five will discover and assess the Shoulder Stand (Sarvangasana) as well as other inversions. We will also discuss twists this week.

Week Six:
The final week will be a culmination of everything learned from the previous weeks as well as an introduction to restorative yoga.

$75- Full 6 Week Series
$15- Walk-in

All classes in the series will be 90 minutes. Each series runs six weeks from start date unless otherwise noted.

Yogis can register through our website or by calling the studio directly. Registration for the full current series will close online after the start date, but if space is still available you are welcome to join the class at anytime.
Unfortunately classes missed due to either planned or unforeseen circumstances cannot be made up, but Karen will be happy to fill you in on what you missed and pass along related materials covered in class. 

All abilities and levels welcome!!!

1011 Fatherland Street  d  East Nashville, TN 37206

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