Kali Yuga Yoga
Yoga Therapy For Citizens of the Kali YugaWelcome.htmlWelcome.htmlshapeimage_1_link_0shapeimage_1_link_1
Meditation and Yoga Workshop

Friday January 18th
6:30pm - 8:30pm
with Rebecca Carey

"When you don't go within, you go without." -Yogi Bhajan

In the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Yoga can be defined as the restraining of consciousness from noise and false perceptions. These false perceptions are said to be the basis for all of our suffering. They block us from experiencing the Wholeness of our being and from seeing our True Selves. Meditation is the practice where we learn to work with our mind to calm it and to dive deeper into ourselves finding truth, love, and wisdom. Meditation is powerful,  beneficial beyond measure, and accessible to all! Just like with asana (postures), meditation takes practice and there are many different techniques you can use to meditate. 
In this workshop, we will approach multiple meditation techniques with light-heartedness and practicality to help you find the ones that resonate with you. We will incorporate 10 -15min. asana practices in between each meditation technique allowing us to refresh and practice maintaining a meditative state with movement! Join us for this wonderful evening workshop full of potential for growth, knowledge, and transformation!
This workshop will be accessible to all and beneficial for every level of yoga student. 

Bring some paper and a pen for note taking if you would like. Blankets and bolsters will be provided. If you have a favorite meditation cushion feel free to bring it! Dress comfortably and be prepared to practice some asana.  Bring a yoga mat, we have them available to rent at studio too. Bring water and snacks if desired. 

1011 Fatherland Street  d  East Nashville, TN 37206

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